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Advanced Periodontal Care

Healthy gums are essential to the well-being of teeth, oral function, and the appearance of your smile. When plaque and tartar build up inside the gums and along the gumline, it can lead to periodontal (gum) disease. This can create a number of serious conditions, including gum recession, bleeding or swollen gums, and the formation of deep pockets around the teeth. If left untreated, gum disease can cause tooth loss, bite irregularities, substantial mouth pain, and dangerous health problems throughout the body. Fortunately, gum disease can often be successfully treated, even at advanced stages. Our dentists and the experienced team of dental hygienists here at Eastern Virginia Family & Cosmetic Dentistry offer a number of periodontal care treatments that can help prevent the progression of gum disease and restore gum health. 

What Is Periodontal Care? 

Periodontal care is the diagnosis and treatment of the different stages of gum disease: gingivitis, periodontitis, and advanced periodontitis. As plaque and tartar (the hardened version of plaque) accumulate between the teeth and gums, the resulting bacteria often begins to spread to the soft gum tissue surrounding the teeth. In the earliest stage, the condition can frequently be reversed with deep dental cleaning treatments; however, more advanced gum disease may require more invasive techniques, such as periodontal surgery. Treating gum disease before it progresses into more severe stages can help to avoid long-term issues. Untreated gum disease can ultimately have an effect on both oral and general health, as this condition has been linked to increased risks of heart disease, stroke, dementia, and many other serious health conditions.

Who Is a Candidate for Periodontal Treatments?

The three main stages of gum disease can cause various symptoms and levels of severity. In general, you may be a candidate for periodontal treatment if you are experiencing:

Our team combines their exceptional expertise with modern dental technology to help detect periodontal disease early on and try to address concerns before they progress. 

What Are the Different Periodontal Procedures?

Eastern Virginia Family & Cosmetic Dentistry proudly offers advanced diagnostic technologies, such as CT imaging and digital x-rays, to help identify gum disease and infections and determine which stage of periodontal care is being experienced. Early detection is essential for requiring less invasive treatment options, when possible, to neutralize gum disease.

Gum Disease Treatments

Generally, patients can manage the earlier stages of their condition with non-surgical treatments to minimize further damage and restore a healthy smile. 

Scaling and Root Planing

Also referred to as deep dental cleaning, scaling and root planing can help maintain the health of your teeth, gums, and bone structure. The scaling process scrapes off plaque and calculus (tartar) above and below the gumline, followed by root planing to smooth the affected areas. This can allow the gums to reattach to the teeth more easily and prevent bacteria from invading again.

Laser Therapy

This advancement in dental technology transmits a small, focused beam of light energy to the target area (both hard and soft tissues) and can be used in a variety of treatments. It is often utilized after a deep dental cleaning to provide a strong seal between the teeth and gums (helping to block future pockets from forming), and for sterilizing the periodontal pockets. Laser therapy can be highly effective for periodontal care with the added benefits of minimized bleeding and swelling, no stitches or sutures, shorter procedure and recovery times, and long-lasting results.

Gum Graft Surgery for Receding Gums

Gum grafting is used to treat thinning gums or gum recession – a condition where the gums pull away from teeth and expose the roots – by removing tissue from the patient’s palate (roof of the mouth) to be used for replacing the lost tissue around the teeth. If receding gums are left untreated, the chances of developing severe gum disease (tooth decay and bone loss around the teeth) significantly increase.

Crown Lengthening for a Gummy Smile

Alternatively, a crown lengthening procedure reduces gum tissue to further reveal the surface of a tooth. This allows access to severely decayed or broken teeth so the diseased tissue can be removed, and tooth damage repaired. Crown lengthening also provides easier contact in the future to properly clean the tooth’s surface and gumline.

How Long Does It Take to Recover from Periodontal Care?

Each patient’s recovery and healing time will be different, as treatment depends on several variables. Less invasive treatments like deep dental cleanings and laser therapy typically result in shorter recovery times as opposed to surgical methods for more advanced periodontitis. Our dental team will ensure you receive all of the necessary treatment information and post-procedure care instructions to prepare you for a safe, recovery process. In many cases, particularly for deep cleanings, patients are able to resume normal daily routines shortly after the procedure. 

How Much Does Periodontal Treatment Cost?

The cost for periodontal care can vary as the diagnostic and treatment methods will be uniquely tailored to each patient. The extent of the gum disease, the techniques utilized for treatment, and other factors contribute to the overall cost, as well as any other restorative or cosmetic dental procedures that may be part of the customized treatment plan. After your initial exam and consultation, a full treatment plan will be developed and an estimate of costs will be provided. Our knowledgeable team is happy to help review your insurance benefits and calculate any out-of-pocket costs, as well as discuss available financing options for qualified applicants that can help make payment more convenient and affordable. 

To learn more about periodontal care, or to schedule an appointment, please contact us today.