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Help! Do I Have a Cavity or Just Allergies?

Hampton Roads and up our noses. The cycle of cough, sneeze, blow your nose and repeat is never ending. Allergy sufferers are quite familiar with this cycle. As if these symptoms are not enough, an aching in your teeth can begin making you wonder if packing up and moving to Antarctica is a good option.

Allergy symptoms can affect your teeth in three major ways.

Take a look at the annoying effects allergy season has on your dental health (and your mental health!).

Tooth Pain

Located on either side of your nose and at the root tips of our upper molars are the maxillary sinuses. Excess mucus and congestion building in the sinus cavities puts pressure on the face and head. This pressure can cause sensitivity to the roots of the upper molars.

Sore Throat

Constant coughing, sneezing, and postnasal drip can cause a sore throat. This is not dinner table conversation, but post nasal drip is when congestion drains down the throat. This causes irritation and a sore or swollen feeling.

Dry Mouth

We will try almost anything to alleviate allergy symptoms, including over the counter antihistamines. One side effect of these medications is xerostomia or dry mouth. Saliva protects the teeth and mouth from bacteria, preventing cavities and bad breath. You are at risk for cavity formation when the mouth is very dry. When taking these medications, it is important to drink lots of water to stay hydrated.

So What Do I Do?

The only way to know for sure the cause of your dental pain is a trip to the dentist. Sinus pain may be covering up a more serious problem if not checked out. Please contact us online or at 483-6297.

Don’t let this allergy season keep you down!